Annex 18 of the
defines in
Teil A: Messgrößen für äußere Strahlung. Accordingly, the
for external radiation for the personal dose are the depth personal dose H
P(10) and the surface personal dose H
P(0,07). The depth personal dose H
P(10) is the equivalent dose at a depth of 10 millimetres in the body at the supporting point of the dosimeter intended for the measurement. Organs with a high weighting factor tend to be located at greater depths in the body. In this measurand, mainly X-rays with photon energies around 30 keV are recorded. The surface personal dose H
P(0,07) is the equivalent dose at a depth of 0.07 millimetres in the body at the location of the dosimeter intended for the measurement. The assumption behind this is that 0.07 mm is the thinnest thickness of the cornea. In the value H
P(0,07) mainly X-rays with photon energies around 5 keV are recorded. Relating these dose values to time results in the dose rates Ḣ
P(0,07) and Ḣ
P(10). The legal limit for non-occupationally exposed persons per year is an accumulated equivalent dose of
HP(0,07) = 50 mSv
HP(10) = 1 mSv. The legal requirement that the local dose rate should not exceed 1 µSv/h refers to the dose rate Ḣ
P(10). Information on the effect of ionising radiation on the human body can be found on the pages of the
Bundesamts für Strahlenschutz.